1. It is an approach that considers protecting human health and minimizing the harmful effects of humans on the environment.

2. New perspective of design that is concerned with the sustainable development. According to this approach, designers have to be concerned not only with the aesthetics and functionality of the object but also with the environmental problems caused by the product during the manufacturing process, during its life span and after it becomes obsolete.

3. Product design philosophy that treats environmental attributes as design objectives and not as constraints. It aims at incorporating those attributes without compromising performance, quality, functionality, and the useful life of the item.

These days there is more emphasis on green design for environmental conservation and sustainability. Green design is a term used to describe goods, services, guidelines, policies, and laws that have little or no adverse impact on the environment or ecosystems. Green design and Eco-friendly are generally used interchangeably. For a product to be described as eco-friendly, it is expected that stringent requirements about raw materials, manufacturing process, packaging, and the whole supply chain are met.
